Saturday, November 30, 2019
My Hell free essay sample
My hell is a bit different from how mythologies orreligions depict it. My hell is Hadfield Elementary School. Elementaryschool is perhaps the most vicious, ruthless, unaccepting atmosphere that existson this planet. The groups, the cliques, the gangs are unstoppable andunbearable. At least it seems that way from the outside. Its almost a twistedcaste system you are labeled when you start school, and there is no deviationfrom it, no matter how much you may change. Cool kids are cool kids, dirty kidsare dirty kids, dorks are dorks. Forever. And different is wrong. If youare different you are wrong, and therefore are punished verbally, physically andmentally. But I guess I couldnt say that I wasnt different. I was quitedifferent, in fact. But to be crucified simply because of physical differences,and to have an atmosphere that basically supports that, is a terrible thing towhich to subject children. The very qualities that are supposed to be so genuinein children love, trust, innocence, acceptance were nowhere to be found in myelementary school. We will write a custom essay sample on My Hell or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It made me believe that acceptance is a quality to gain, notone that one is born with and loses in time. My style of the day was aperfect match for a dodge-ball target. I had the excellent stereotypical dork kidphysique, and then some. I sported a nifty bowl cut (which ran for 12 years),glasses, over-the-ear hearing aids (the my grandma has those kind), afew extra pounds, and from ages five to seven, a set of leg braces a la ForrestGump. I was the perfect target. The perfect target. Point in case: I had anentire 14-page joke book written about my lovely proportions and attachments,complete with songs (including one entitled Muffin Man, whichdetailed my lunch-time routine), poems and much more. But the leg braceswere probably the worst part. Many things come with having a one-in-5,000,000 hipdisease, but nothing compares to the loneliness. Id come home and whine to myparents all I wanted about how much I got made fun of, how much I got pushedaround and talked about behind my back, but they never really understood. No onereally could. Being made fun of for being overweight or having glasses or nothaving money are things at least some can relate to, but I was in my own world. There was no one who felt exactly the way I did. No one else viewed theworld like a senile old man at the age of seven and hated everyone. Im not goingto say I got beat up every day and shoved in dumpsters, but I can guarantee youthat during recess I found my own little spot in the bushes to cry. Actually,after all the words of hate Id heard, a dip in the dumpster wouldnthave been all that bad compared to the verbal volleys. For the time being,my life in elementary school was nothing but pure torture. A pain that neversubsided. Weekends only added to the misery with countless hours alone with noone to call or play with. But that made it that much easier to accept everyoneelse. I came out of elementary school, oddly, a much stronger, moreconfident person. Almost everyone I know now would describe me as outgoing (aswell as ruggedly handsome), and that is something of which Im very proud. When Ientered middle school, I couldnt wait to meet new people and find some with whomI was comfortable. Of course, many of the elementary-school kids were stillaround, but I was able to find a group of close friends, many who had experiencedthe same type of elementary-school humiliation. Today, when I see those Ionce feared so much, I feel nothing but confidence. I feel like David casting myshadow over a fallen Goliath, freed and relieved. Six years of pain seemsinfinitesimal compared with the incredible feeling of strength and freedom thatnow resides in me. And nothing can express my sentiments to my tormentors inelementary school quite like the Rice University chant can: Itsalright, its okay. Youll be working for me, anyway.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living
13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living 13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living 13 Ways to Make a Freelance Living By Colin The Internet has provided freelance writers with a whole new set of prospects for selling their skills. But while traditional markets will always be the main source of freelance writers’ income, it is possible to increase earnings in other markets using a little imagination and ingenuity. Here you will find fourteen markets that are always on the hunt for freelance writers able to produce quality, original writing, on a reliable basis. Scan the job boards often enough, and these are the types of jobs that consistently pop up, many of them with excellent compensation packages. 1. Magazines Magazines are the bread and butter of the freelancing writing industry. Writing for magazines opens you up to hundreds, if not thousands of markets, of all kinds of subject matter. No matter where a person’s interests may lie, it is pretty much guaranteed there will be a magazine for it somewhere. Wherever your expertise may lie, write about it, and target these markets first. The more you know, the more you can write about, and the more writing you do for a magazine, the easier you will find it to branch out into new markets later on. 2. Newspapers Newspapers are stuffed with columns, reviews, commentary, and articles on subjects that affect every aspect of contemporary society. Getting published as a freelance writer in a newspaper is hard going, though, so start locally. Offer your services covering local events for a small fee or a by-line, and get to know the editor. It’s a small world in the newspaper industry, so working your way up is possible, provided you work hard, and network well. 3. Fillers Another way of getting your foot in the door with newspapers is to write fillers. Fillers are very small pieces used to fill up redundant space on the page, such as brief news items, obscure news, jokes, and opinion, etc. Editors are always on the lookout for good fillers, so if you can stand out with original writing, and provide their requirements quickly and accurately, you stand a good chance of being considered for regular or more in-depth work when it comes along. 4. SEO Articles SEO articles, whether for a broker or direct with a client, are a great way of earning money. There is such intense competition on the Internet for traffic and advertising revenue, companies will pay handsomely for a freelance writer that can turn out articles to attract users to their business. 5. C.V.s (Resumà ©s) Everyone needs a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.), but not everyone can write a good one. Some people would prefer to enlist the help of a professional writer to help them build a quality C.V., and this provides a nice way for a freelance writer to begin earning money. It’s a good idea to do some research into what makes a good C.V., but with a little practice and common sense it is possible to earn consistently in this market, writing for individuals or businesses. 6. Copywriting Copywriting under the sales and marketing umbrella is another steady road to earning, though it can require a little more research to get underway. Anyone who wants to sell something will require a copywriter at some point, and although copywriting is a more specialised area, with a little know-how and creativity, it is a potential goldmine of varied writing and cash flow, if you can get off the ground. 7. Website Content Any business, organisation, or individual that wishes to promote, sell, or inform, requires a website to do all of these things, and thus the web content writer is in huge demand. Web content writing pays well, and if you choose to specialise it can provide a great source of income and keep you very busy. Sales and marketing knowledge is a must, as may some basic SEO skills, but very often what is required more than anything is a creative writer that can transfer their enthusiasm onto the web page. 8. E-books Some people say e-books will replace print, and others argue the opposite. But while the debate rages on, one thing for sure is e-books won’t be going away any time soon. The best selling e-books are generally how-to or specialised knowledge books, so if you are hired to write one, there will undoubtedly be some research involved. Writing an e-book is no different to writing a traditional book, the only difference being you won’t be able to hold it in your hands when it’s published. 9. Press Releases Being able to write a press release is a useful method of earning one-off gigs, but in some cases can end up being a long-term source of income. Knowing how to pitch and sell within a press release may require some knowledge of the product or service being sold, but the structure of a good press releases remains the same; who, where, when, why, and what. Do a good job on the first one, and a company may be inclined to use you for the second, and third, and so on. 10. Newsletters There are hundreds of organisations that want to promote themselves or keep in touch with their client base, and very often newsletters provide the ideal solution. Writing newsletters is a great way to break into freelancing and gather clips at the same time, and the requirements you need to get started are low in comparison to fillers or other copywriting gigs. 11. Ghost Writing Ghost writing comes in many forms and pays on a very varied scale. And while it is not for anyone who seeks fame, a lot of money can be earned from it. But while the money may be good, be prepared to receive none of the credit. Be honest with yourself that you can handle this aspect before you take the job. Ghost writers that receive five figure sums to write a book for a celebrity are extremely rare. Most ghost writing involves writing material on almost any subject. It could be that you are asked to write for someone who wants to expand their business, or who is simply unable to write for themselves. 12. Greeting Cards While writing greeting cards pays extremely well for so few words, it is also a very tough market to break into. The upside is there is a massive market for this type of writing, as the sale of paper greeting cards for all occasions remains a hugely competitive industry. Editors, therefore, are always on the hunt for good quality, original material. 13. Novelty Tourist Merchandise Everything with words on it has required input from a writer somewhere along the line. This includes such things as postcards, magnets, bumper stickers, and t-shirts. This can often be a very well paid area of freelance writing, and requires the ability to write catchy, original phrases and content, time after time. And as with ghost writing, there is usually no credit to be gained other than monetary. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your Story20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"What’s the Best Way to Refer to a Romantic Partner?
Friday, November 22, 2019
Tech Resources for Early Childhood Educators
Tech Resources for Early Childhood Educators This is a self-guided tour of useful resources for early childhood educators to encourage thinking about how technology can be used in purposeful ways with young children. For a digital handout that accompanies this tour, please click here. Examining the Possibilities with Kindergartners and Technology Here are three fun videos related to using technology in early childhood classrooms. Miss Nelson is MissingiPad Artwork Inspired by Peter Reynolds The DotIntegrating Technology in a Kindergarten Classroom Next, explore these sites for other ideas. Note that these teachers are using technology with students to create and publish. They are not using tech at lower levels on Blooms Taxonomy. Young children CAN do more sophisticated work! The Connected Kinders: Turning iPad Experiments into Adventures in Innovative LearningGoing on a Bear Hunt Using QR CodesHow Kristi Meeuwse Teaches with an iPadTalking Animal ReportsEdutopias Resources for Using iPads in Grades K-2 Exploring iPad Apps iPads are amazing devices for content creation, not just consumption! Ideally, educators should strive to provide opportunities for student voice and choice, designing lessons and projects that allow students of all ages to create content. Heres a collection of apps are more focused on creation than consumption and if you havent seen Osmo, check out this device that using iPads to create really innovative learning games for kids. Other places to find high quality ed tech materials: AppolearningGraphiteKindertownKinderchat Symbaloo Publishing with Young Children Publishing should be a universal activity in all early childhood classrooms. Check out the following iBook examples: The Adventures of the Monkey and the Cat by KinderPris Ridge International SchoolConnecting Classrooms: Activities to Promote Global Collaboration by Ben SheridanFamily Time with Apps by the Joan Ganz Cooney FoundationGlobal Book: Schools Around the World by Kristen PainoGlobal Book: Shelters Around the World by Kristen PainoA Global iBook by Meg WilsonInspired Young Authors by Jane RossMy Pet Monster by Jason Sand and Others Building Your Own ECE Personal Learning Network Use social media to enhance your own learning and to connect to others. Here are a few suggestions to get started with connecting to other educators and learning from their best practices. First, join Twitter, and start following other ECE educators and organizations. Then, start participating in Kinderchat, a Twitter chat where kindergarten teachers come together to discuss relevant topics and share resources. Finally, start finding ideas for your classroom by perusing the following blogs and pinterest boards. Blogs Enabling EnvironmentsiTeach with iPadsPassion for EYFSTechnology in Early Childhood Pinterest Augmented RealityKid World CitizenKindergarten - iPadThe Kindergarten SmorgasboardPlayful Learning Investigating Making and Tinkering The Maker Education movement is growing within US schools. What does this look like in early childhood classrooms? Starting points for further exploration may include TinkerLab. Some early childhood classrooms are also exploring the possibilities of digital making through robotics and coding. Check out Bee-Bots, Dash and Dot, Kinderlab Robotics, and Sphero. Connecting Globally The first step to connecting globally is to get connected yourself. Use social media to meet other teachers, and youll find that project opportunities will organically happen. Projects tend to be more successful when professional relationships are established first; people just seem to be more invested if connections happen first. If you are new to global projects, youll want to get to the point where youre co-designing experiences for students with virtual colleagues. In the meantime, join existing communities and projects in order to get a feel for the project design process. Below are a few starting points and exemplars: The Global Classroom ProjectHello Little World SkypersProjects by JenSkype in the ClassroomiEARN USA Thinking About PD and Additional Resources Face to face professional development opportunities also an ideal way to participate in professional development. For early childhood specific events, we recommend the NAEYC Annual Conference and the Leveraging Learning conference. For general ed tech information, think about attending ISTE and if youre interested in creative uses of technology and the Maker Movement, consider attending Constructing Modern Knowledge. Also, the Chicago-based Erikson Institute has a site devoted to the role of educational technology in early years classrooms. This site is a unique resource dedicated to helping early childhood professionals and families make informed decisions about tech. Finally, weve curated a massive list of ECE resources in an Evernote notebook. Well be continuing to add to this, and are welcome to browse our collection!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Explanatory Response of The Waiting Years by Fumiko Enchi Essay
Explanatory Response of The Waiting Years by Fumiko Enchi - Essay Example She thought of her as the only thing that keeps her happy and the one who motivates her that things are going to change for the better. - Tomo, in the midst of her mission to find her husband Yukitomo Shirakawa another concubine. She had been a martyr wife for the insensitive and lustful Yukitomo Shirakawa, enduring all the pain her self-denial, of his infidelities, incestuous lust, forbidden passion and insults on her womanhood. - Yukitomo despised the fact that Tomo's parents and brothers are going to know his misdoings and the emotional tortures that he has inflicted on his wife's feelings. He belongs to an aristocratic family and such knowledge would reap him disgrace and shame. - Yukitomo, because of his affairs and relations with many women, treated Tomo as if she does not exist, treated her as a ghost, not minding her all throughout the day. Seeing her but not thinking that she is his adoring wife, willing to do anything for him even at her own expense. - This figurative passage referring obviously to Yukitomo, his being narrow-minded and lack of sensitivity, sympathy and the adequate understanding of how a man should treat his wife and how to maintain his dignity and not tarnish it with his sinful and incestuous doings, for example, he married his daughter-in-law after the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
News Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
News Story - Essay Example This was a story about a 5k run that has been organized to raise money for a boy who was severely burned in a car crash that killed two other local teenagers. It showed the organizer, a boy himself, speaking several times, the parents crying, and people running a race. Next, a brief story about an attempted kidnapping of an 11-year-old boy. This was a very brief segment with not many details. Next were short updates about Jaycee Dugard; a short segment on the Gulf oil spill, as there has been a new cap put into place; tropical storm Earl; a security breach at LAX; a guy who was killed in a robbery after winning big at a casino; and the fact that Craigs List is removing its â€Å"adult services†section. Then came by far the longest story – about buying meat for Labor Day picnics. This talked to two or three different shoppers, and a butcher who came on several different times throughout the segment to state about how to select cuts of meat, how to get the best price on the meat, as well as how to season and cook the meat. The story order indicates that the local weather is the most newsworthy item of the day, as this is what the newscast opened with – a forecast of Labor Day weather. Then, the brief segment about the wildfire showed that a local happening is second most newsworthy. But the news chose to highlight, with a long segment, a story about a 5k run. This was the third story that was shown, and this 5k run is part of an on-going story about three teenagers being killed that happened well over a month ago. To me, this shows the local news tendencies to milk a particular story for all its worth to keep it in the spotlight for as long as possible. The story about the three teenagers was a big deal, so the fact that the news station saw fit to run yet another story about this incident just shows that the news programs just cannot let go of a big story. In
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Citizenship - Account of activity during work experience Essay Example for Free
Citizenship Account of activity during work experience Essay My Citizenship coursework will be based on the rights and responsibilities of employees and their employers in the workplace. The aim of the coursework is to produce a report explaining the health and safety rules on my work experience placement. This is a citizenship activity because it looks closely at important rights. It will also look at my roles, and those of others, during the activity. I have chosen my work experience place because this will give me the opportunity to get an experience and will make me or introduce me to the world and get vital points on how to develop my life skills towards working. The placement that I have been given is not close to my house but I am willing to work hard and grab this opportunity. I am also interested in the financial market and promoting of products and Ill learn from this. I went for my work experience to Comet Stores. My work experience was for a two week period staring on the 6th of June 2005 and ending on the 16th of June 2005. The area that I was allocated for the work experience was in Fosse Park, which is near the outer ring of the city near to the motorways. Comet Stores is a well-known brand, which sells household electronic devices. The placement that I was in was the biggest store in the city. The complex comprised of two floors namely the sales floor (which was the first floor) and the warehouse, which was the second floor. Before attending the work placement I had to phone up and book an interview with the manager in charge of the store. A week after the phone call was the date of my interview. In the interview I was told the basics about the company such as start and finish times, the dress code and passwords to enter the staff room. I was told that at the first day of my work experience I would be told in more detail about my individual and team tasks. At the start of the first day of my work experience I was feeling anxious as well as nervous. This was the first time I would be entering a working environment. At the start of the day I was taken by the manager for an assembly. I was told to report to the designated area where each person would be given a briefing each morning. A gentleman named Chris was to look after me for the first day. He was in charge of the warehouse stock and was very helpful. He gave me some advice and told me many people have visited the store for work experience and that the store will challenge my ability individually and with a team. The manager had told Chris to take me to the boardroom where I was shown Health and Safety videos that were made by the store. After each key fact Chris would explain to me what it meant, how it concerned the store and asked me if I had any questions. I was also given additional leaflets on Health and safety in the building such as the fire exits and where the fire extinguishes were. I was given a wide range of activities during work experience. The main task I was given for the first few days was to pack and check the shelves. This consisted of me checking the availability of the stock, ordering the stock from the warehouse if it had run out and then packing the shelves with the item. I was also given the chance to analyze the security system of the work place and told how to alarm and disable the alarm system. I was put on my first test with this task, as I had to wire all the flat screen monitors in a sequence to alarm the security if any person may try to take the item. I had noticed as the days went on the store gave me different and more tasks to do which would challenge my ability. I was promoted to assisting the sales staff and to analyze the way in how the sales person would work. This task was to communicate with the public and gave a lot of confidence. I was also placed in the warehouse where I was given a lot of responsibility. I was asked to check the stock, the handling of goods, taking orders and also using the elevator belt, which I was given a Health and Safety guide to. The elevator belt could go upward towards the warehouse and when giving items to the sales floor going downwards. Special buttons were needed for this and great care was needed. All the staff members assisted me but as I was put on different jobs there was different staff members that would help me. As I was on the warehouse level the elevator belt had suddenly come to a halt. As I was not a technician I had asked from a member of staff from the warehouse level. He kindly came and tried to help me but could not fix the problem. As a result he sent a technician to come and assist. The problem was sorted and both members of staff assisted me when I asked for some help. Whilst on the placement I had learnt a lot about rights and responsibility of employers and their employees. I was given a sheet, which told me all the rights.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
AI :: essays research papers
AI: Artificial Intelligence: The branch of computer science that deals with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively; AI is used so computers can solve problems, learn and gain knowledge. AI is an attempt for computers to simulate human qualities. Areas of AI research: Learning, game theoretic methods, Reasoning, speech Intelligent agents, physical modeling Knowledge representation     natural language Logic programming          planning AI: Classification: AI can be classified into three different areas: Natural Language Processing which involves computers that can read, speak and understand natural language. Robotics which involves the development of intelligent robots. Expert Systems which is the simulation of the knowledge of human experts. Intelligence: The ability to use knowledge for our own purposes is called thinking and is the basis of intelligence. Ability to think and reason, To learn, To acquire knowledge, To adapt to new situations A person is intelligent when they can solve difficult problems using logical reasoning. Interactionism: States the mind is non-material, the body is material, and each can act on each other. Parallelism: Mind is spirit, body is material, and neither can act on each other. Materialism: Mind is, or a state of, part of the material body. The relevant part of the physical body is usually considered to be the central nervous system that is the brain and spinal cord. Idealism: The body, along with everything else, is just an idea of the mind. Natural Language Processing: Computers are able to perform natural language processing at the syntax level. (syntax refers to the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences) Style checkers are able to detect punctuation errors, double word usage, typographical errors, sexist language and more. A Machine Intelligence Test: A simple test which determines whether or not a machine is behaving intelligently: Would this behaviour be considered intelligent if a human was observed behaving in the same way? The difficulty experience by artificial intelligence researchers is translating this massive amount of knowledge into a form that can be used by computers is called the Feigenbaum bottleneck: Identification and analysis of the chunks of knowledge. Chunk is used for an item of knowledge to indicate that knowledge does not appear in precisely defined units. The translation of that knowledge into a form that can be processed by a machine.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Black Genocide Essay
â€Å"Black Genocide in the 21st century†also called â€Å"Maafa†is an anti-abortionist documentary made in 2009 that speaks about the relevance of birth control, White America and Black America, Planned Parenthood and how it was established, also, the conspiracy behind abortion. The movie also deeply discusses the argument between abortion being genocide and it specifically targeting African Americans. Black Genocide was a very intriguing and interesting piece of material that filled my knowledge with much more than I had intended it doing. Before watching this video, I knew a little about abortion but not about the black genocide part. You see, I knew that abortion was a way for the government to obtain legal rights to abort children who weren’t able to be cared for but I didn’t know the government was using abortion as a way to limit the black population. I also knew that African Americans were having a lot of abortions and there were, and still is a lot of abortion facilities but never put together the idea of how they were getting access to this information, furthermore, the connection between eugenics and genocide. During the film, I learned so much information that is disgusted me and changed many of my views toward abortion and other things. I learned that in the early 1800’s, Americans feared retribution and resurrection because slavery was supposed to have ended. Intermarriage also lead to the loss of international purity and for that, they had a plan of colonization. Colonization was an affect that took place, and caused African Americans to be sent back to Africa. After the colonization, the new philosophy was established and was called â€Å"eugenics†, the perfect solution to what was known as â€Å"negro dilemma.†I also learned that Eugenics believed that Africans were inferior and without guidance, they couldn’t make it. Margaret Sanger was the founder of the â€Å"American birth control league†and was successful for promoting abortion and birth control. After watching the 21st century of black genocide, I wanted to know more about the situation with the NAACP and why the government still hasn’t publicly announced the conflict between the protesters and there undercover targets. I’d also like to know more about the positive and negative eugenics and why White America was considered positive eugenics when it was used to try and dominate the black parts of America and used as a companion to exterminate African Americans. I’d also like to know more about Planned Parenthood and to see if the facilities were still being targeted in minority places. I’d also like to know more about White America and the Planned Parenthood meetings, and also if Planned Parenthood groups still targeted low poverty neighborhoods of different race, such as Caucasians.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Computer and Long Distance Education
Computer and our life Importance of computer: Computer is an important machine in our life. Without computer our life is nothing. We need to use it in every sector of our life. What type of work sector that is we are using computer. It makes our job easier and simple. Computer creates a great opportunity for us. We are changing our life style quickly through computer. We are using it in education sector, medical sector, research and experimental job, designing, architectural designing, planning, public administration and etc. Computer changed our education system.We can learn through long distance education system. Now we do not need to go far from home to learn something. We can save our time and money by this. Without that we are able to get every service at home. Computer is also able to provide us another service. Now doctor can do operations through computer. It resumes risk for a patient. Doctors do not need to work more. Computer also helps us in research like educational, sci entific, medical and etc. Really, computer is a great invention of human life. Computer and communication: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-Without helping in our work we can communicate through computer. Now-a-days computer is the powerful communication media. Generally it communicates through network and internet is the well known network system. We can talk, chat, mail through computer. We can keep contract with international community by internet. E-mail is a blessing for us. We can communicate with anyone easily for e-mail. It is a cheapest communication in the world. We are doing corporate dealing through it. It plays a role in our economy. It makes our life easier. Without that we can do video chat trough internet.Facebook and other social sites are a blessing for us. By using of those we can make an international brotherhood. Without those facilities we are also sharing videos and other important things like as usual important information. We can read newspaper by internet. Newspaper also updating continuously and we can able to get news quickly. Simply internet is a fastest way to get information. It becomes a part of our life. Type of computer: There are many kind of computers. We use them in various works. They are given below: No. | Type of computer| Working ability| Using sectors| 1| Personal computer| Capable to do personal works. | Most of time using for personal works. | 02| Embedded computer | Do specific jobs. | 1. Microwave 2. Washing machine | 03| Network Servers| Do clients job, act like a server. | Internet browser | 04| Mainframe Computer | Capable to do sharing work. | 1. Bank 2. Insurance| 05| Mini computer | Mid ranger computer. | | 06| Super Computer| Able to do lots of job. | 1. Experimental jobs 2. Scientific jobs| H2O X2+2? +? +? c 32 °c TEXT 2 TEXT 1 1. PLABON I. VAI II. BOSS 2. ANDROID I. W 5 II. W10 * 5700TK 7000TK 3. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. * †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ * 456321 * 566986 * †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Computer is an important machine in our life. Without computer our life is nothing. We need to use it in every sector of our life. What type of work sector that is we are using computer. It makes our job easier and simple. Computer creates a great opportunity for us. We are changing our life style quickly through computer. We are using it in education sector, medical sector, research and experimental job, designing, architectural designing, planning, public administration and etc. Computer changed our education system.We can learn through long distance education system. Now we do not need to go far from home to learn something. We can save our time and money by this. Without that we are able to get every service at home. Computer is also able to provide us another service. Now doctor can do operations through computer. It resumes risk for a patient. Doctors do not need to work more. Computer also helps us i n research like educational, scientific, medical and etc. Really, computer is a great invention of human life Computer is an important machine in our life.Without computer our life is nothing. We need to use it in every sector of our life. What type of work sector that is we are using computer. It makes our job easier and simple. Computer creates a great opportunity for us. We are changing our life style quickly through computer. We are using it in education sector, medical sector, research and experimental job, designing, architectural designing, planning, public administration and etc. Computer changed our education system. We can learn through long distance education system.Now we do not need to go far from home to learn something. We can save our time and money by this. Without that we are able to get every service at home. Computer is also able to provide us another service. Now doctor can do operations through computer. It resumes risk for a patient. Doctors do not need to wor k more. Computer also helps us in research like educational, scientific, medical and etc. Really, computer is a great invention of human life http://www. search-document. com/doc/1/1/law-of-diminishing-marginal-utility. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Rodgers and Hammerstein Changin Musical Theater History essays
Rodgers and Hammerstein Changin Musical Theater History essays There are many well-known lyricists and composers, but only a few leave such a mark as Rodgers and Hammerstein. This duo produced nine musical plays during their partnership and caused a profound change in musical comedy. They set the standards that are followed to this day in musical history. They created the modern musical that we all know and love. Before they became Rodgers and Hammerstein, they were simply Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, both of New York City. Hammerstein, born in 1895, was brought up in a theatrical family. His father was an operatic impresario, otherwise known as an opera director or manager. He built the Harlem Opera House(1888) and the Manhattan Opera House(1906) and also introduced many new singers to the US. From a very young age Hammerstein II committed to the theater even though his family discouraged him. As soon as he was old enough to have a job in his fathers theatrical business, he devoted himself to his duties and learned as much as he could about play production and the labors of the theater artist. Oscar eventually teamed up with author Otto Harbach and composer Vincent Youmans to produce Wildflower. With help from Harbach, Hammerstein began to create professional material for Broadway. Through Otto Harbach, Hammerstein was led into collaboration with Jerome Kern for Sunday. He also worked with Herbert Stothart and George Gershwin on Song of the Flame, a very unsuccessful show. But despite the shows failure, it did lead Hammerstein to concentrate on creating operetta in order to integrate musical comedy with opera. With this in mind, he was able to achieve new standards for success in his career with his lyrics for The Wild Rose and The Desert Song. By 1927, after a few more productions, Hammerstein had achieved the technical skill that allowed him to provide a composer with a functional book and lyrics. This was best shown in Showboat, the first modern Ameri...
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Impact of Technology on Organisations Structure and Strategy Essay
The Impact of Technology on Organisations Structure and Strategy - Essay Example Technology had also been referred to as a technique, one used to solve the matter through a combination of different sources to achieve the desired result. To achieve this technique, one must not only know how to push a button to obtain the desired result but to have the technical know-how to accomplish one’s goal. Example of such technology includes medical technology, construction technology and computer technology. Human being relies on technology not only as tools and a means to an end. It forms the very basis of our humanity. Imagine a world with no writing, no music and no spoken word. These three elements are the very backbone of human communication, how we differentiate each other, how we develop culturally and how we can tell just by listening to a person, could tell whether he's French or English. The art of writing is a technology developed to record events, speech to communicate, and music for expression of the soul. With the new age technology, the arrival of video cameras, computers and the rapid development of various computer software produce a leaner organisational structure. Fewer people are needed as more mundane and repetitive works are replaced with technology. Security guards' job is taken over by video cameras, computers keeping the numbers of accountants to the minimum and robotics replacing the slicing, cutting and assembling part of factory jobs en masse. Thus, technology is viewed with suspicion by some, particularly senior labour workers, who are afraid of being made obsolete by science. Despite all the misgivings that existed, technology continues to sweep into the business world, with the most notable of all conquerors being mobile phones. It is almost impossible to imagine a businessman or woman to function without one or two of these handy little gadgets. Information is the key medium of business making process these days.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Mini Project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mini Project - Term Paper Example The paper points two uses of graphs that are reflected in one of the business periodicals and their effectiveness. First, an article from the Wall Street Journal dated 1st April that was written by Prince Marcelo reflected on the amount of gas and oil that comes from fracking in US. The graph points the trend of oil fracking as compared to the total oil and gas production from 2005 to 2015. Prince, (2015) makes use of a line graph to present the information that clearly shows that energy production from oil and gases has been increasing annually, same as the energy from fracking. The above graph is effective tool in revealing the current issue in the energy sector within the use of fracking technology. The black shaded area depicts the fracking amounts while the red one shows the total amounts of oil and gas production in US. It is clear that fracking has contributed to a larger percentage of both gas and oil production as opposed to the other sources of these two energy platforms. Additionally, the graph depicts the amounts (in estimate) of oil and gas every year, as well as, the periods that the trends revealed a sharp decrease or increase. Nevertheless, the difference or the ratio of the fracking to the total amounts can be easily calculated from the graph. Lastly, the mean or averages of the fracking amounts can be easily calculated; therefore, the graph shows the descriptive statistics for the data that can be highlighted without any struggle. Another graph reflects the US quarterly GDP growth from 2012 to 2016. The article was posted by the Fed on 1st May 2015 and has forecasted the GDP growth rate of the US economy from 2012 to 2016. It shows the past GDP growth rates from 2012, the current rates and from these rates Fed can forecast the growth rates for the last quarter of 2015 and 2016. Therefore, the bar graph is effective tool that can be used in forecasting data for future use. This
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